
Showing posts from September, 2014

Goodluck Sahabat² ke United Kingdom!

Assalamualaikum. Seronok tengok sahabat-sahabat berjaya mencapai cita-cita mereka untuk menyambung pelajaran ke sana. Ada yang buat degree. Ade yang bat master. TAHNIAH! Dzul dan Shakeel. Walau hanya baru bersua dan berkenalan tika menghadiri event "An Evening with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield" anjuran South East Asia Office University of Sheffield bertempat di Armada Hotel Petaling Jaya tempoh hari. Tapi seronok sebenarnya berkenalan dengan orang yang tinggi matlamatnya. Orang yang tinggi motivasi dan impian hidupnya. Bila melihat profile fb mereka sepintas lalu, jelas mereka bukanlah calang-calang orang yang terpilih untuk ke sana. Aku? Memang jauh ketinggalan nak dibandingkan dengan mereka.   Ketika event "An Evening with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield".. Dzulasyraff, student Master in Safety Engineering di Universiy of Sheffield.. Ahmad Shakeel, student Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering di University of Sheffield.. ...


Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah. Permusafiranku kali ini ke Dubai membawa seribu makna buatku. Al maklum, sekian lama mengimpikan satu pengembaraan ke negara orang akhirnya terlunas tika umurku meningkat 24 tahun. Alhamdulillah. Syukur Engkau beriku peluang. Al kisah semalam, menghabiskan hampir separuh hari di salah satu tarikan utama di kota Abu Dhabi, FERRARI WORLD. Yes! One of the attracted place that most people around my age would like to visit. Especially to those who love cars and inspired Shumacher.  Thanks a lot to my brother who treat me and my sister the ticket into the Ferrari World. Really appreciate it. The moment I step out from that place, somehow I have set my personal goal which I pretty much sure that I might not reach it that is to be one of the engineer of FERRARI company. Really impressed me when I went through one of the attraction in there where we had a short tour to the historic Ferrari Factory to see how a Ferrari is bor...