Chassis System bersama Dr. Ataur
Ahamdulillah. Done my second day of lecture this semester. Due to the fact that I'm only have twice classes per day, for today, I only have Vehicle Dynamics and Chassis System and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Classes.
Quite a tough subjects. Basically for CFD, it is pretty much the same with Fluid Mechanics (FM) class which I took on my second year of studies. Seriusly setakat introduction class tadi, mostly he just repeating what had he taught us in FM. Cuma mungkin dalam CFD, dia ajar lagi mendalam sikit. Papepun I like the way he teach us. Asst. Prof. Dr. Asif Hoda. Beliau adalah antara lecturer yang betul-betul boleh hasilkan engineer. Siapa yang belajar dengan die mesti setuju. Haha.
Untuk subjek Chassis pulak? Hmm. Lecturer yang memang tak asing lagi di mata student-student automotive IIUM. Antara senior lecturer yang dah lama menabur bakti kat department mechanical IIUM. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ataur Rahman. Seorang lecturer yang sangat berpengalaman dan sangat aktif dalam penghasilan projek dan research. Dan di sini, suka untuk aku share sikit backgorund beliau.
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Masa class CHASSIS tadi. Snap senyap-senyap. Sebab tu agak blur. Haha. |
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
50728 KL, Malaysia.
Phone: +6-03-61964544, H/P: +6-0146492647, Fax: +6-03061964455
Nationality: Bangladesh
Date of birth: 8 May 1967
Married with Dr. Rafia Afroz, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Management Science
International Islamic University Malaysia
50728 KL, Malaysia
PhD (Engineering), University Putra Malaysia (2005)
Chattered Engineering (CEng), Engineering Council, UK (2012)
MBA (Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship), University Technology Malaysia and Cranfiled University, UK (2000)
B.Sc (Mechanical Engineering), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh (1991)
C.ENG, IMechE, Member, 2010-2011
Society of Automobile Engineers (International), Member, 2010-2011
Malaysian Society of Automobile Engineers
International Society of Terrain Vehicle System (ISTVS), Member, 2010-2011
YEAR: 2010-2012
Dynamics, Dynamics and Vibration, Instrumentation and Control System, Vehicle Electrical and Instrumentation System
Quality Control and Reliability, Advance Vehicle Dynamics, Design of Automotive Power Transmission System
Introduction to Automotive Engineering, Automotive Chassis System
Green Transportaion System: Electrical and Hybrid Technology
Energy Efficient Hybrid Engine
Battery Thermal Management System
Electromagnetic Actuated CVT
Hybrid off-road tracked and wheeled vehicle for swamp terrain
Semi-Automatic safety management system for Electric and Hybrid Car
1. Design and Development a Electro-Mechanical Non-contact strain-gage Torque transducer for Measuring the Tractive effort of the vehicle. Completed.
2. Design and Development a Hybrid Electrical Air-cushion Full tracked Prototype Vehicle for Swamp peat.Completed, (Gold & Silver Medal Awarded, and Patent Filling).
3. Design and Development of Intelligent air-cushion system for Swamp Vehicle. In Progress (PhD student project).
4. Design optimization of a low ground pressure wheeled vehicle. In Progress (MSc student project)
5. Vehicle control system development with Fuzy logic technique. In progress (MSc student project).
6. Design and Development of a Automated Door Locking System for the Passenger Car. Completed.
7. Design and Development of DC motor position control CVT.Completed.
8. Design and development of an Electro-Magnetic Actuated CVT. Completed (Silver medal awarded and Patent Filling).
9. Design and development of Self – powered Electromagnetic Car. In progress.
10.Development Electrical and Electronics Traction Control System for passenger car. Completed.
11.Semi-tracked wheeled vehicle for low bearing capacity peat. Completed
12.Electromagnetic charging system development for the charging of the electrical golf cart’s battery pack. 20% of the project work has been completed.
13.Modification and Performance Investigation of Electromagnetic Actuated CVT system for Passenger Car. Completed.
14.IIUM UrbanConcept Hybrid Engine Powered Eco Car. Completed and competed in Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2010 on 7-10 July 2010.
15. Modification of the Designed and Developed Hybrid Engine Powered Car for Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2011
16.Electromagnetic hybrid engine. In progress (MSc student)
17. Electrical Car Development for PROTON (Completed) (July 2012)
18. Development of Intelligent Steering System (On-going)
19. Development of Engine Waste Energy Harvesting System (On-going)
Ok. Seriusly, tersangat banyak achievement dan research project yang beliau dah buat. Nak tengok yang selebihnya boleh klik [SINI]. Agak respect dengan pencapaian beliau. Otak mesti penuh dengan teori. Tapi biasalah, bila ade kelebihan, confirm ada kekurangan. Dan antara kekurangan yang sangat memberi kesan kepada student-student beliau khususnya student Malaysia ialah the way he pronouce his words. Sangat-sangat sukar untuk difahami. Mula-mula, ingat aku sorang jer ade problem nak faham. Tengok-tengok, ramai jugak yang sependapat dengan aku. Huhu. Nasib baik yang bagusnya beliau, beliau akan tulis di white board setiap inci kata-kata yang beliau cakap masa lecture. Dan masa lecture jugak beliau akan ulang dalam dua tiga kali.
Anyway, setakat ni permulaan yang agak smooth. Takde terkejar dah nak buat add/drop manual macam first/second year dulu. Sekarang mula-mula sem dah rileks. Siap terasa bosan sebab setiap petang takde kelas. Huhu.
p/s: Belum dapat assigment, projek, kuiz, test semua boleh la kata bosan. Sekali dapat nanti, baru tahu erti penyesalan. Haha.
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